How to Repurpose Content to Save Time and Energy

How to Repurpose Content

How to Repurpose Content to Save Time and Energy

By Bobbi Wharran |

Work smarter, not harder is the motto for most people these days, and with good reason!

Repurposing your content is not only a great way to save you time and energy but there are some fantastic benefits to it as well.

Let’s take a look.

Why Repurpose Content?

Time – Time is precious these days, somehow we never seem to have enough. Using content that you’ve already created can save you the time of having to create something new.

Reach a New Audience – Every platform caters to a different type of audience. By spreading out your content you’re able to reach people of different demographics no matter where they spend their time online. Note: Repurposing content is not the same as cross-posting the same content across every platform.

Build Authority – Having content on the same topic in different formats on different platforms can help others see you as an expert in your industry or niche.

How to Repurpose Content

Create a New Blog Post – Lists posts are popular with both bloggers and readers. If you’ve created a list post you can take each point on your list and expand on the topic to create its own blog post.

Create an Infographic – Take a blog post or article you’ve written and break it up into specific points to create a graphic. These do really well in both blog posts and on Pinterest.

Create Social Media Posts – If you have published blog posts then you have a treasure chest of social media posts. You can create quote graphics and captions out of the information you wrote about in your blog post.

Do Live Videos – Again, take the information you’ve written about in your blog posts and break them down into talking points to present to your audience through a live video.

Send an Email to Your List – Rather than just sending a link to your latest blog post to your email list, you can take an important piece out of the blog post and expand on it in your email.

On the Table

Being visible online takes time but with a little planning and creativity, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming

What’s your favorite way to repurpose content?

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