3 Tips for Building a Relationship with Your Audience That Lasts

3 Tips for Building a Relationship with Your Audience that Lasts

3 Tips for Building a Relationship with Your Audience That Lasts

By Latisha S. | latisha@pancakedigitalsolutions.com

Building relationships with your audience is vital in order to create a healthy, sustainable business. But, how do you make an authentic connection with someone and build a relationship that actually lasts? These 3 tips for building a relationship with your audience that lasts will hopefully give you some insights and strategies that you can implement into your business.

Be Yourself

You’ve probably heard this a dozen times, but it’s really true!! The best way to build a relationship with your audience is to just be YOURSELF!

Why is this so important?

Because when we show up as ourselves, which sometimes might mean not-so-perfect-hair, or no makeup, or in my case, kids running around in the background…it shows your audience that you are REAL. You aren’t a fake. You aren’t contradicting yourself one day to the next.

It’s just real, raw, authenticity.

Now, this also doesn’t mean that you have to show every single part of your life. I believe that is a very personal choice that each business owner needs to make for themselves.

However, it does give you the freedom to talk to your audience as if you were sitting down with a best friend over a cup of coffee. I’ve found the influencers and entrepreneurs that I connect with the most are the ones who aren’t worried about having perfectly polished videos or photos.

But, don’t create “messy” photos & videos to try and replicate an authentic feeling. Because that’s really not authentic, is it? 😉

Give Value

While you are being your beautiful, authentic self, you should also be giving value to your audience!

That value can be from personal experiences, business tips, marketing advice, etc. The important thing to remember is to craft and create your value messages based on what your expertise is and who your audience is.

Giving value allows you to build that trust factor with your audience. They like your authenticity and they trust your expertise. See how they work together?

Follow up

This is probably the biggest key to building a relationship that actually lasts and one that is skipped over a lot.

Often times we talk to someone within our audience, maybe a potential client or customer, and then we just forget about them. Or worse, we think “Oh, they’re never going to buy from me.” and we end up ghosting them!

The thing is, we shouldn’t be talking to our audience looking for a sale. I know that sounds absurd, but bare with me for a moment…

We should be talking to our audience because we WANT to! We want to build those relationships. We want to give value to them. We WANT them to succeed whether or not they ever become clients.

And this is where the follow up comes in. When you open those doors of communication with your audience, don’t just drop them. Keep following up with them. Ask how they are, if they need help with anything, how their family is, etc.

When we do this, that person will feel valued, cared for, and loved. And even if they never become a client, you can guarantee that they are referring people to you and speaking highly of you within their own circle!

On the Table…

Building relationships with your audience is the only way to build that know, like, and trust factor that is essential for business growth. When we allow ourselves to stop thinking about turning our audience into clients, and actually show up for them as a friend, it allows us to build a long-lasting relationship with them.

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Check out our other blogs to learn how to engage with your audience:

Engagement on Social Media in 2020

Sales Start With Engagement

What is Engagement and Why Is It Important?

How to Increase Engagement in Your Facebook Group