Why Sharing Personal Content Matters in Online Business

Why Sharing Personal Content Matters in Online Business

Why Sharing Personal Content Matters in Online Business

By Latisha S. | latisha@pancakedigitalsolutions.com

There is a reason why sharing personal content matters in online business. But, it can often feel uncomfortable. It may even give you some anxiety.

It’s a completely understandable response! Sharing about your life, especially to people that you don’t know, can be downright scary.

But, it doesn’t have to be scary or even uncomfortable! Today we are going to share with you why you should be sharing personal content and what that looks like.

Builds Relationships With Your Audience

You can’t really build a true relationship or connection with your audience if you aren’t sharing anything about your personal life. If you are just sharing tips, tricks, and advice to your audience, they won’t actually be able to connect with you on a human level.

They will see you as “just another business”, if they think about you at all.

Find Common Ground with Your Ideal Client

Sharing about your personal life will help you find common ground with your target audience. People and consumers want that human to human interaction & connection when dealing with a business.

It’s like finding out that you share the same birthday as your favorite celebrity. You automatically feel a connection with them, because you’re “birthday buddies”! Right?

For us, one thing that we talk about in our content and marketing is our love of pancakes! This is a piece of personal content that can be common ground for our clients. Something they can connect with easily. And something that reminds them of us when they are eating their favorite pancakes.

Builds the Know, Like, & Trust Factor

Being able to share parts of your personal life so you can find common ground with your audience and build relationships with them builds the know, like, & trust factor with them! It allows them a glimpse behind the scenes to see that you have the same style, struggles, favorite TV shows, etc.

What Do You Share and What Do You Keep Private?

Now, before you go having a panic attack thinking of sharing every little detail of your personal life, take a DEEP breath!!

You DO NOT have to share everything!

It’s actually a very personal choice that each business owner must think about and consider before jumping into.

For example, if you have kids, will you share their photos, ages, names, etc? Or will you choose to share stories about them, without any identifying factors?

There isn’t a right or wrong answer. For me personally, I choose to share stories, and only the occasional photos. For others, they share it all!

Personal content can be anything; behind the scenes in your office, your work day, your family life, favorite movies, actors, pastime, etc.

On the Table…

Adding personal content into your marketing is a major part of being able to connect with your target audience and build deeper relationships with them. Remember, you don’t have to share everything, but being able to let your audience have a peak into who you are as a real, living and breathing human will keep you in the forefront of their mind.

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