5 Simple Steps to Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

Here are 5 Simple Steps to Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

5 Simple Steps to Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

By Bobbi Wharran | bobbi@pancakedigitalsolutions.com

It’s that time of year again. Time to set some goals!

Are you the type of person that sets massive goals with enthusiasm and excitement? Or do you approach goal setting with a more cautious and seemingly ‘realistic’ manner?

Neither approach is right or wrong and I believe that however you choose to set your goals for the year is completely up to you. However, I also believe that this quote by Fred DeVito hits the nail on the head:

“If it doesn’t challenge you it won’t change you.” 

I think we can all agree that the whole point of setting goals is to create some kind of change. I mean, if we could all achieve the success we dream of by doing things the same way we’ve always done them then there would be a whole lot of happier, fitter, and richer people walking around. Wouldn’t you agree?

I’m sure you know the importance of setting S.M.A.R.T. goals by now. But, if you’ve never heard of this goal-setting system here’s a quick rundown:

S – Specific – The more specific the better.

M – Measurable – How will you know that you’ve reached the goal?

A – Attainable – Can this be realistically attained?

R – Relevant – Is it relevant to you and your business?

T – Time-bound – Is this a goal that can be achieved in a timely manner? In the case of setting goals for the year, can this goal be reached within 12 months?

The only part of setting S.M.A.R.T goals that I want to caution you about is the ‘A’ – Attainable. Be sure that the goals you set are attainable but that they don’t hold you back from reaching your potential by being too attainable. Make sure that they still push and challenge you along the way.

Now, let’s set some goals.

Here are 5 Simple Steps to Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

#1 – Choose your top 3 goals for your business.

Don’t take more than 30 seconds to do this. Seriously!

Once you have your top 3 ask yourself, “If I had achieved these 3 goals last year would it have been my best year yet?”

If you answered YES! then continue to step 2. If you aren’t quite sure then take another look at those goals and make some changes so that you can answer YES! to all of them.

By doing this in 30 seconds or less you eliminate the risk of overthinking and second-guessing which can ‘water down’ your goals. By going with the first thing that comes to your mind those goals are the ones at the front of your subconscious, the ones that are the most important to you. And if they seem a little scary to you – even better!

#2 – Turn those top 3 goals into your top 3 goals for the year.

If they can’t be achieved in 1 year then break them down until they can but be sure you don’t break them down too much. Remember, challenge = change.

By taking bigger goals and breaking them into smaller, more attainable (there’s that word again) chunks then it makes those bigger goals seem less scary and far-fetched. And as you start achieving the smaller goals you’re getting closer to reaching the big ones that you’ve been dreaming of, which is super exciting!

#3 – Choose 3 people to hold you accountable – 1 for each goal.

When you only have yourself to be accountable to it’s easy to justify and make excuses for not making any progress towards those goals. But, when you know that you have someone else keeping an eye on your progress, coming up with excuses isn’t quite as easy.

Choose 3 people that you trust and that you know will encourage and support you along the way.

#4 – Write a message and send it to each of those people.

Write something like this:

Dear [Name]

I, [Your Name], commit to making consistent progress on [Your Goal] this year. I will give you monthly updates on my progress and would appreciate it if you would hold me accountable for reaching this goal. 



#5 – Print out your goals and put them somewhere that you can see them daily.

Putting your goals in a place that you can constantly review them is great way to stay focused. It helps to reinforce them and also helps you stay on track with your daily tasks. As you’re planning your days and weeks ask yourself, “Will this help move me closer to reaching my top goals?”

On the Table

Congratulations! By taking the time to write down your goals and creating a system to hold you accountable you’re well on your way to having your best year yet!

Now that you have your goals set, learn how to create a content strategy unique to your business & goals here.

If you want more accountability to be sure you reach your goals come join us in our free Facebook group – Marketing 4 Makers – and share your goals with us there! We’d love to cheer you on!