How to Create a Content Strategy Unique to Your Business & Goals

How to Create a Content Strategy Unique to Your Business & Goals

By Latisha S. |

One of the best things that you can do for your business is to have a solid content strategy as part of your social media marketing. However, keep in mind that there is no one strategy that will work for all businesses. There isn’t even a strategy that will work for all businesses that are in the same niche! Each business has different needs and different goals when they are using social media, so it makes sense that their strategies will be different as well.

Read on to learn how to create a content strategy unique to your business and goals.

Don’t Post Just to Post

We all know that a good meme or viral funny video makes for a good laugh and typically gets a lot of engagement, but you need to be careful about what type of content you are posting on your social media.

Just because a meme or video has went viral, does not mean that you should be sharing it as well. You have to make sure that it resonates with your audience. If your ideal audience doesn’t like the content, then you are just going to be attracting people to your page who aren’t interested in your products or services.

You also want to be careful about oversharing videos and memes. One relevant meme or video every now and then is fine, but you don’t want to overuse them.

Check Your Insights

Don’t forget to check your insights. Facebook and Instagram (if you have a business account) both have insights that will give you a glimpse into your audience’s preferences.

  • When are they online?
  • What posts are they engaging with more?
  • What are the demographics of your audience (age, sex, location, etc)?

This leads into our next piece of advice…

Adjust Your Strategy

Don’t think that you will come up with a good strategy once and then never have to change it again.

A good strategy is one that will be adjusted when necessary to reflect any new audience changes or algorithim changes (and we all know how Facebook and Instagram like to change their algorithim!)

Be sure that you are accounting for these changes by not being afraid to adjust your strategy.

On the Table…

A good and effective strategy is always changing. There is no “magic” strategy that will work across the board. It won’t work for every business and it won’t even work for the same business, but on different platforms. It’s important to develop a content strategy that is relevant to your audience and accounts for their likes and needs.

I hope you found this information helpful for creating a content strategy unique to your business.

For more marketing tips, please join our free Facebook group, Marketing 4 Makers.

And be sure to follow us on our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter!

If you are looking for more tips on content strategy check out the following blogs:

Facebook Posting Strategy

Using Emojis on Social Media

3 Facebook Marketing Trends to Watch in 2020

8 Marketing Trends to Pay Attention to in 2020