3 Facebook Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2020

3 Facebook Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2020

By Latisha S. | latisha@pancakedigitalsolutions.com

Facebook has seen a lot of changes this year and we can be sure that there will be even more changes next year. So, as a business owner what Facebook marketing trends should we be expecting in 2020? Here are 3 Facebook marketing trends to watch for in 2020!

Privacy for All

Facebook has been pushing privacy all year long. What does this mean for marketers and business owners?

It means that Facebook is and will continue to push Facebook groups and private messaging.

Have you noticed that if you are in more than 1-2 Facebook groups you see their content A LOT more than you see family, friends or business page content?

Facebook wants to facilitate that human to human connection and what better way than groups and messenger?

Keep an eye out for more privacy features in 2020, including full message encryption plans.

Likes Are No More

Most of us know by now that Instagram (which of course is owned by Facebook) has hidden likes globally in an attempt to build genuine relationships. Now, they are starting to roll this feature out on Facebook as well.

If we no longer have likes, how will businesses know what content is performing well?

Focus on content that is:

  • Saved- Content that people want to save for later will show Facebook that it is high-quality and encourage them to push it up the algorithm
  • Shareable- Facebook will view how many shares a piece of content gets over the likes that they receive

Videos Still Reign

Video views have slowed down slightly this year, but they are still the reigning content and that won’t change any time soon.

The best videos are between 2-10 mins long, have captions (please don’t forget captions!), and are tailored to the audience.

Some ideas for video creation:

  • Turn a blog post into a video
  • Do a live Q&A
  • Interview an expert in another field or a satisfied client/customer (this can also be re-purposed for a podcast episode)
  • Short 2-5 min video with 1-2 tips on a specific topic

On the Table…

Business owners and marketers know by now that social media is in a constant state of changing and evolving. Yes, we should do our best to stay up to date with the latest trends, but we also need to be open-minded and flexible when it comes to these changes. They are inevitable. But, we are resilient and will take them as they come and change and evolve with them.

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