How to Use Images on Facebook

How to Use Images on Facebook

How to Use Images on Facebook

by Rianna M. Hill |

Facebook is an incredibally powerful social media site that is a nessisary platform for most businesses. In order to share content on Facebook, a certain amount of posts must be created. This number depends on your audience size and type of content, but most importantly, the quality of the post. Every post should include some sort of visual, weither it is a video, image or Gif.

Here are some tips on how to include images in your Facebook posts:

Use Relevent and Interesting Photos

Think about the way people use Facebook – frequently scrolling through hundreds of posts on their phone. Or on their desktop, looking for pictures of their grandkids. It is important that your photos stand out and are relevent to your business.

For example, there is a lot of blue and white on Facebook. An image of your product on a red background had a chance of standing out.

Avoid Text

It can be quite tempting to load images with all the information someone would want to know aboutt your business. Totally makes sense, that’s how newspapers and flyers use to work! But with all the content we now consum each day, people are less likely to read more then a headline.

Save the interesting stories for the copy, and add all the rest of the information on your website. If you must but text in the image, make it an attention-grabbing headline or a call to action for why this is relevent to the viewer.

Keep it on less than 20% of the image so you can use it for ads as well!

Cell Phone & Stock Quality

There are many great websites that offer high quality stock photos including and for free images. For more varitey, Shutterstock has an increasing collection of great images for reasonable prices.

While professional and polished photos can be really important, espeically from your brand, it is important to be consistant to your brand. Cell phone photos are fun and connect viewers to the personality behind your business.

On the Table…

Facebook is an increasingly important part of business, and images are an important part of Facebook. Use images that stand out, reflect your brand, and have fun with it!

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