How to Create Content That Converts

How to Create Content That Converts

By Latisha S. |

One of the main social media questions that we get asked by business owner is how to create content that converts.

This is a great question to ask and it’s one that we want to help you master!

Know Your Audience

The very first thing that you must do in order to be able to convert your content is to KNOW who you are speaking to!!

If you do not know who exactly you are speaking to, then you will not be able to create content that speaks to them.

For example, if you have a product or service that is for people who own cats or dogs, but you’re content is talking about pets in general (gerbils, snakes, mice, etc), then you will be missing out on speaking directly to your target audience. But, if you get super specific and create content that speaks directly to your audience’s pain points, you will find that your content will have higher conversion rates.

Know WHERE Your Audience Is

The second thing about creating content that converts is not so much about creating the content, but about WHERE you are putting that content.

If you are creating AMAZING YouTube videos, but your audience is on Facebook, then you are just wasting your time.

Create amazing content for the platform WHERE your audience is!

Create Connection NOT Conversion

The point of your content is not always going to be about the sale.

Actually, the main goal and purpose of your content should be about connecting with your audience.

The way you do this is to create content that is:

  • Engaging- Share content to engage your audience. Ask for their feedback. This can be done through polls, on your Instagram stories, by asking a simple “This or that” question and more.
  • Educational-Don’t be afraid to give what you know to your audience! Share blog posts, do live Q&As, highlight relevant tips and tricks relevant to your audience.
  • Emotional- This one can be a bit harder for people, but it’s really good to open up to your audience and show them your human side. You don’t have to share everything, but sharing the ups and downs of your journey helps your audience connect with you on another level.

Know Your Numbers

No matter whom your audience is, what type of content you create, or where you are creating content you need to know your numbers.

This means you need to have a plan. A strategic plan to make sure that each and everything you post is funneling your audience through some type of sequence/funnel.

And then you need to keep track of your numbers. Which post got the most engagement? Why? Which post got no engagement? Why?

Keeping track of these numbers will help you determine what types of content that your audience relates to and how to tweak and edit your content to have the most impact (and conversions).

On the Table…

How to create content that converts is not a one-step process. But, with some strategic planning you can create content that will have your audience engaging with you, connecting with you, and buying from you.

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