Advertising with Purpose

Advertising with Purpose

Advertising with Purpose

by Rianna Neal |

The second most common thing people say when they are talking about Facebook ads was that they did not work for their business. But what do you mean by success? Did you set a clear goal for the ad before you ran it?  You will start seeing results as soon as you start advertising on purpose.

Business on Purpose

Before anything else, you need to be clear on the purpose of your business. You need to be able to answer these questions…

  • Why did you start(with) the business?
  • Why are you still working here day to day?
  • What problem does your product or service solve?
  • For whom?

When you understand the purpose of your business, they marketing questions will answer themselves. Think of when you ask someone what they do and they talk for 45 minutes and you still have no idea. Being clear is powerful.

Social Media With Purpose

Would you walk into a crowded shopping center and ask people to go to your website? This is essentially what people are doing when they are posting links to sale pages on their website with nothing else.

Social media is simply a powerful extension of life. Twitter is a cocktail party, LinkedIn is a Chamber of Commerce meeting, Facebook is the park at a shopping mall…etc. You get the picture.

The purpose of social media is primarily for building relationships and sharing information. Especially for businesses. Share your purpose, the purpose of your business and information valuable to people.

Advertising with Purpose

Advertising is putting an amplifier on whatever you are already doing. Take some time to answer these questions.

  • Why did you post this piece of content?
  • Why do you want to advertise it?
  • What results do you want from the ad?
  • What do you want people to do when they see the ad?
  • Does your ad convey this?

It could be as simple as you want to get more reach and let more people know about your brand. Don’t make extra work for yourself, but do set yourself up for success.

On the Table…

Starting with intent is the most important thing to do. Especially in advertising. Make sure you know the purpose of your ad before you get started, and you will be much more successful.

Learn the next steps to take here!