Why Your Business Should Be On Pinterest

By Latisha S. | latisha@pancakedigitalsolutions.com

Do you know why your business should be on Pinterest?

Everyone loves browsing on Pinterest, right? You can find the latest trends of hairstyles, jewelry, and clothing. Or get tips, ideas and inspiration on how to get your life, home and office decluttered and organized.

Not to mention all the ideas and tips for crafts, upcycling, and DIY projects. And that is just naming a few!

Today I’m going to share with you some info and stats on why Pinterest is one of the fastest growing platforms and why your business should be on Pinterest today.

What is Pinterest?

Now you may be asking yourself, “What is Pinterest?”

The important thing to remember with Pinterest is that it is NOT a social media platform. In fact, Pinterest has been attempting to remove itself from the “social media” realm.

Pinterest is actually a visual search engine. Its entire purpose is to inspire ideas and creativity among its users. Because of this, it plays a HUGE role in how its users make purchases.

What do the stats say?

According to Social Media Today, Pinterest is growing faster than Twitter and Snapchat. That is considerable growth and a lot of opportunity that business owners should not be ignoring.

Another interesting fact that the article notes is that:

“some 90% of weekly Pinners use Pinterest to make purchase decisions, higher than any other social platform.”

Read that last line again….90% of Pinners make purchasing decisions based off of what they see on Pinterest!

And with 300 million monthly active users, that is a LOT of purchasing.

What Types of Businesses Should Be on Pinterest?

Now that we have established WHY your business needs to be on Pinterest, we are going to look at WHAT types of businesses Pinterest is best for.

The great thing is, Pinterest can be used for just about any business. However, you typically do need some kind of website to direct traffic to from Pinterest. For example, you:

  • Have website/landing page/online store
  • Have blog
  • An E-Commerce or MLM store
  • Make jewelry & have an online store
  • Are a photographer with or without a blog
  • Are a maker or crafter and sell products, patterns, or blog

These are just some examples of businesses that thrive on Pinterest. As long as you have a product, service, a blog, online store, or some type of landing page to capture email addresses, then you can find success using Pinterest.

On the Table…

Pinterest is an influential purchasing powerhouse, which is growing rapidly and continuing to add more shopping features (promoted pins and in-app shopping). Now is the perfect time to jump on Pinterest and start growing your brand and business.

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