What Makes a Really Good Social Media Post?

What Makes a Really Good Social Media Post?

By Latisha S. | latisha@pancakedigitalsolutions.com

One common question that we get asked at PDS is “What makes a really good social media post?”

That is a great question and today we are going to break it down so that you can create amazing social media posts that will drive engagement and sales for your business!


The first thing that all great social media posts need is a hook! If at all possible, this should be within the first sentence of the post. This hook is what grabs the attention of your audience. It’s what draws them in and keeps them reading to find out more.

For example, if you were a health coach trying to draw your audience in to a post, you might say something like, “I stood in front of the mirror with tears rolling down my face.”

WOW! That is definitely a hook and is going to intrigue people to keep reading to find out why you were crying!


Once you have the hook, you need to hit their pain points.

What problems are they going through?

What situation are they stuck in?

It’s key that when we are identifying the problem, we do not blame our audience. Instead, place yourself in their shoes.

A health coach wouldn’t want to say in their post, “You can’t stick to a routine. You can’t stick to a diet. You always binge everything in sight.” This will come off as abrasive.

Instead, you can reframe it to say, “Listen, I’ve been in your shows! I couldn’t stick to a routine, let alone a diet! I would always fall off my diet and end up binging everything in sight.”

When you reframe it by placing yourself in their shoes, they can relate to you! They realize that they aren’t alone and that someone else has had the same struggles and issues that they are having.


Here is where you draw back the curtain and show them a sneak peek of the transformation they will get with the solution that you are offering.

Sometimes the it is simple and you are giving them the entire transformation and solution in the post.

However, sometimes you are showing them the transformation they will get if they move to the solution (your offer).

Let’s go back to the health coach example. In this example, we can show the audience what transformation they would get if they join the coaching program.

The post could say something like, “What if you had the tools and resources to 1) Create a routine that is easy and simple to maintain 2) Ditch the diet and learn how to create lifestyle changes 3) Dig deep and get to the root of the issues that are causing the binging so you can stop for good! All this and more is offered in my new 1:1 coaching package!”

This has shown them what the transformation in their life will be if they join this coaching program. The program itself is the solution.

Call To Action (CTA)

The last step of a good social media post is having a great call to action or CTA.

Every single post you create needs to have a CTA. Your client needs to know what action you want them to take for each post.

In our health coach post we’ve presented them with the hook, transformation, and then the solution (their coaching program). Now we need to add a CTA.

The CTA for this post could be, “If you are ready to transform your life, mind, & body for GOOD, then click the link below to schedule your FREE consultation!” or  “Are you ready to ditch the diet mentality and transform your body, mind, & life for GOOD? Then drop a #transformation in the comments below and I’ll send you the link to join!”

These CTAs show the audience exactly what is expected of them if they want that transformation in their lives.

On the Table

Creating a good social media post doesn’t have to be difficult! We just need to put ourselves in the place of our audience, draw them in with a hook, identify their problem, offer the solution, and prompt them to take action!

Let us know your results after you try this format for your own posts!

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