What I learned from a Weekend Of Page Like Ads

Weekend Of Page Like Ads

by Rianna Neal  | Rianna@PancakeDigitalSolutions.com

This weekend, I screenshotted every page like ad that was shown to me in my newsfeed on my personal Facebook on my phone. Those I noticed, that is. (See more on impression vs reach). after a weekend of page like ads that are currently running, I noticed a few things to give you advice on when building your page like ads.

Myself as the Target market viewing these ads:

Who I am? What was reached in Targeting-to provide context- I am a 20- something female in Upstate NY who has recently moved, has two dogs, and has started a business this year. (2017) Keeping myself as a target market in mind, I analyzed each ad.

Here are the results with some analysis of the Weekend Of Page Like Ads

Breaking down my Weekend Of Page Like Ads, there are a few similar things to notice right away.

First is the image. While the quality here is blurry from the phone screenshots, it is still possible to analyze these images. Some look well put together, some looks like simple stock images. Some make sense, others less so. Can you figure out the industry just from the image? Can you read the text in the image or see what is in the picture? Many views are on mobile devices, so screen size is something to consider.

Secondly, read the copy. Is the text cut off? Many of these ads are missing some text which makes them hard to read. Does it make sense? From the copy, you should have a general idea of what the business is and why it is relevant to you. Bonus points if the ad tells the view what to do! “Like Our Page” “Join Our Community”

Take a look through these ads keeping the above ideas in mind:


Weekend Of Page Like Ads

What areas do you think you can improve on? Does viewing these ads provide you with insights to make some updates to your ads? Use this gallery and your own timeline to help your craft your Page Like Ads.

I highly recommend taking a weekend of page like ads! For one weekend screenshot every page like ad you see. Then, on Monday, think about who you are as a target market and evaluate these ads. Let us know what you think!