Setting Business Goals

Setting Business Goals

Setting Business Goals

by Rianna Neal |

Many people are familiar with setting new years resolutions, but how many of these involve setting business goals? There are a few key areas of life that people’s goals usually fall into. Often these are personal, health, educational, spiritual, perhaps even career. But- are people are making goals in the business for the business? Here are some whys and hows of setting business goals.

New Years Resolutions

Everyone is familiar with setting new years resolutions, and many people are just as familiar with how many resolutions are abandoned within weeks. This is a good analogy for how a lot of businesses start. The beginning of a new year, everyone is idealistic full of dreams, ideas, and new ambitions. This is beautiful! However, pretty soon the work gets hard and the day to day gets in the way. These ideas are forgotten about or never reached. While I am not here to talk about setting personal goals, these ideas for setting business goals can help guide you in other areas as well.

What is a Goal

There are three key elements to goals. If you are not yet familiar with the terminology, watch what S.M.A.R.T Goals are. (Specific, Measurable, Attenable, Relevant, and Time-based.) A goal is a progress marker toward your big idea. A goal for a specific business, for example, it for the business to consistently generate six figures in revenue. While poking Google about goals, around I saw this definition from Wikipedia:

A goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envisions, plans and commits to achieve.

Replace person with business and I think that pretty well sums it up.

Setting Better Business Goals

Building a business takes time. You may have missed reaching a goal before, you may not complete every goal in the future, but that is okay. In every way, construct your goals and actions to build off of what has been learned in previous goals. For example, I previously had the goal of adding 10 new people to a beta membership class for the business. My smaller goals included talking to 5 people a day and recording all the videos by the end of the first three months. That time came, I have 2 people in my group and 10 more videos to go. What did I do wrong? I had no system set up for follow up, I was talking to all these new people but not following up. I did not have the goal of the video recordings broken down into actionable steps. The best goal provides a step by step action plan to achieve it. (Which I have now done for 2018!)

In conclusion, set yourself up for success. Build a system of steps to work towards your goal that will be so easy it would be impossible not to follow. And most importantly, have fun along the way!

Need help making your goals come to life? Set up a 60-minute session today!