Sales Take Time

Sales Takes Time

Sales Take Time

by Rianna M. Hill |

Sales take time, especially when someone hasn’t heard of your product or service yet. In the online space, we sometimes forget people are the likes and comments are shares numbers you see on the screen. Behind every number is a unique person with individual preferences, behaviors, and concerns. Remembering this is key to improving your sales online.

What Are Sales Online 

You wouldn’t walk around your local grocery store asking people if they want to buy your product, or go up to cars in the street to tell them about your business. Think about the kiosks at the mall where people are asking you to try something while you’re walking around. How does that make you feel? So why do we do that to each other online? 

Think about the last thing you bought online. Where di you hear about it? How did you decide to buy from this company? What did you need the product or service for? Think about it for a minute.

For example, I just recently bought a 11-month subscription to knit a blanket, one block at a time. I first learned about it from a Facebook ad of the product, then went to their website several times. It took me 6 weeks of seeing the ad several times, looking at the website and sales page several times, and researching the product in depth before I bought it. It often takes time from first learning about a product and a company before making a purchase. 

Why Sales Take Time

There are so many good companies, products, and services out there. Unfortunately, there are several not-so-good ones at well. With all these choices it takes time to make a decision. When we are at the grocery store, how long does it take to decide between cereal boxes or a new coffee flavor? There are so many choices, it takes time to make a decision. This is especially true online and in the mobile world of today. We see thousands of advertisements and products and brands each day, many more than we can ever process. 

It takes time and the right timing to consciously notice something. Have you ever been thinking about something and then saw an ad for it on Facebook? You most likely have seen the ad several times already and hadn’t realized it which is why you were thinking about it in the first place. (No- no magic or tin foil hats here, just behavior & a dash of psychology). 

How to Improve Your Sales

There are a few key tips for improving your online sales once you understand that. First, know that it takes time and be okay with this. Second, communicate value most of the time. 90% of sales happen after 12 touches, or times the viewer sees the brand name, hears about the product, or goes to a website. This number has been quoted to be even more like 50-100 touches with online media, especially when someone has never heard of you before. 

On The Table…

Sales take time, especially online. Remembering how people buy things by reflecting on your own experience is the first most important step in understanding this. So, remember, people want to know, like, and trust you, and this is built over time with them seeing your product several times. Follow up and keep going! 

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