Instagram Marketing Strategies for Business

Instagram Marketing Strategies for Business

By Latisha S. |

Is Instagram in your social media marketing plans? If not, maybe these Instagram marketing strategies for business will help to persuade you to give it a try!

This post will provide you with insights into how you can market your business using the power of Instagram.

Build Trust With User Generated Content

Instagram is one of the best places to showcase user generated content (UGC for short).

What is UGC and why should you use it for your business?

UGC is when someone who has purchased your products (or even used your services) posts a video or picture that showcases your products or has them talking about your services. Usually when someone posts UGC they will tag the account of the business whose products they are showcasing, which means more eyes on your account!

These posts are great for businesses because they show real users, real customers who love your products and services so much that they are sharing them with their audience.

It is a good, authentic way to build that know, lie, and trust feature with your audience. UGC is also great for businesses to tap into other audiences and reach more people. In fact, 92% of people trust UGC more than traditional ads and 81% of people say that UGC has influenced their buying decisions.

Purchasing Power Using In App Purchases

In early 2019, Instagram launched “Checkout on Instagram” allowing people to purchase shoppable items without leaving the app!

Users love convenience. And what is more convenient than being able to purchase something with just a tap of your finger? This gave product-based businesses the incentive to up their Instagram marketing.

Check out this article to learn how to set up Instagram shopping for your account.

Drive Engagement With Instagram Stories

Instagram stories have really taken off and don’t show any signs of slowing down.  500 million people use stories every day! This is why Facebook added the stories option on their platform as well and why you can share your IG stories straight to your Facebook business page stories too!

When brands utilize stories, 62% of people become more interested in their brand.  This is a great opportunity especially if you are running ads through stories as well!

Another great way to use stories is to increase engagement. Engagement in stories is more personal and gives you direct access to your ideal audience’s inbox. However, if you are responding to questions in stories, please be sure that you are actually engaging in an authentic way. Actually answer their questions. Don’t send a pitch through their stories. This is the quickest way to get on their blocked list.

On the Table…

Instagram is continually growing and brands should be tapping into it’s over 1 billion users. Brands can take advantage of the UGC, Checkout, and Stories options to increase authentic engagement and drive sales to their products and services.

Click here to learn more about 3 Tips for Successful Instagram Stories