How to Write a Good Blog Post

How to Write a Good Blog Post

How to Write a Good Blog Post

By Bobbi Wharran |

There are many benefits to having a blog on your website. It can help build credibility, increase your online visibility, and help define you as an expert in your industry – to name a few.

But there is more to creating a good blog post than just putting your thoughts down on the screen.

Here are 5 tips to help you write a blog post that will get the attention of your readers, keep them engaged, and provide value. 

If you haven’t added a blog to your website yet, check out this post >> Why Blog << to see if it’s right for you and your business.

Use a Good Headline

Your headline is the first impression your reader has of your blog post. It also helps them decide whether to continue reading or not. Not only that but choosing the right headline is important if you want to rank on Google or any other web browser.

Co-Schedule’s Headline Analyzer is a great tool to help you get started. 

Add Keywords

Keywords are the words that people type into the search bar when looking online for information on a specific topic.  And they are another key factor when it comes to ranking on Google. Choosing your keywords before you start writing will also help you stay on topic.

If you’re having trouble coming up with target keywords, do a Google search on the topic you’re writing about. Take a look at the suggested terms that pop up and use one of those or use them as inspiration to come up with your own.

Proper Formatting

While ranking on Google is important, you also need to keep your reader’s experience in mind. Writing a blog post is similar to writing a formal news article but there are some differences when it comes to formatting. 

Some things that can help improve the readability of your blog posts are:

  • Use subheadings to keep the sections of your chosen topic organized.
  • Break up large chunks of text with spaces to make it easier to read – it’s ok to have 1 sentence paragraphs.
  • Use bullet points and numbered lists to help your blog posts look tidy and make it easier to remember the information you’re providing.

Use Links

A great way to keep readers on your blog longer, and provide more value, is by using internal links within your blog posts. This means linking to other posts you’ve written that are relevant to your topic and that your reader may find helpful.

You can also use external links to tools and articles you find on the internet that expand on the topic you’re writing about.  

Be Conversational

One of the biggest differences in writing a blog post versus a formal article is the tone you write in. Your blog is an extension of  your business and is a way for your readers to get to know you. That means forgetting all the strict grammar rules you were taught in school and writing in a more casual tone.

On the Table

Blogging is a great way to share your expertise, provide value to your audience, and increase the know, like, and trust factor vital to every business. These 5 tips will help you write blog posts your audience will love!

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