5 Tips on How to Avoid Burnout When Working From Home

5 Tips on How to Avoid Burnout When Working From Home

By Latisha S. | latisha@pancakedigitalsolutions.com

Are you looking for tips on how to avoid burnout when working from home? Then look no further! We’ve compiled these 5 Tips on How to Avoid Burnout When Working from Home so that you can build a successful business, without losing your mind and burning out in the process.

We all know that being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of stress that can easily lead to burnout. So how do we avoid the burnout while still being productive and growing our business?

Create a Routine

Some of us cringe at the word “routine”. I know I have before! Most days I like to be a “free spirit” and just see where the day takes me.

Unfortunately, when running your own business, this is just not possible. You MUST have a routine in order to accomplish everything that needs to be done and scale your business.

Now, a routine doesn’t have to be complicated. And it doesn’t mean that you have to schedule out every second of your day.

But, you do need to make sure that your routine allows room for your business goals and tasks each day.

Which brings us to the next one…

Block Out Time

When you are creating your routine, you need to be sure to block out time for specific tasks.

Do you have daily phone calls that you need to make? Block out time where you do JUST those.

Do you need to post on your social media platforms? Then block out time each day to dedicate just to that task (or better yet, schedule it ahead of time 😉).

Blocking out time allows us to see where we are spending our time and where we need to make adjustments to our schedule.

Take Breaks Often

It’s important to remember to take breaks often!

Your situation as a work at home entrepreneur may vary.

You could be a work at home mom like me. Or maybe you work at home and have dogs to take on daily walks.

Regardless of the situation, you should still schedule in breaks.

And when I say breaks, I don’t mean to take a break from your business so that you can go do you dishes.

When we take breaks, they should be exactly that….a BREAK!

You should sit down and read a chapter in a book (for fun, not business!), work on your crafts, knit, watch a TV show, etc.

Whatever you do to relax, do it during that break time.

Get Out of the House

Another great thing to do when you work from home is to get out of the house!

If you can get out for a daily walk/run, that is great! But, if you can’t, try to plan on working out of the house at least 3-4x a month.

Going to a local coffee shop or library to work can feel like a breath of fresh air after spending days upon days working from home.

Learn to Say “No”

One of the biggest challenges that comes from working from home is feeling obligated to say “Yes” to everything!

This often happens because friends and family may not understand that working from home doesn’t mean that you are sitting back eating chocolate bonbons all day.

Now, obviously it is OK to help a friend or family member out, but if you notice that it’s getting out of hand or that your business is suffering because you keep agreeing to do things that you really don’t want to or don’t have the time for…then you should probably have a talk with them and start saying “No” more often.

On the Table…

Working from home is both exciting and exhausting! It can be hard to separate your home life from your work life when you are doing both under one roof. We hope that these 5 tips on how to avoid burnout when working from home will help you put a system and routines in place so that you can grow a successful business from home, without burning out or giving up!

If you would like more support for your business and marketing needs, we would love to have you in our free Facebook group Marketing 4 Makers.

For more motivation check out our 35 Motivational Quotes for Work at Home Entrepreneurs

For more tips on staying productive while working from home check out 5 Simple Tips for Staying Productive & Organized While Working From Home