How To Use Facebook Ads To Grow Your Email List

How To Use Facebook Ads To Grow Your Email List

How To Use Facebook Ads To Grow Your Email List

By Bobbi Wharran |

Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone is talking about email lists these days?

2 of the most common questions we see on this topic are:

  1. Why do I need an email list?
  2. How do I grow my email list?

If you’re wondering the same things, keep reading. We’re going to answer these common questions and more!

Why Do I Need An Email List?

Email marketing gives you the opportunity to have additional conversations and share free resources and value with your audience. It’s also another touchpoint to help build relationships and to grow trust which we all know is vital when it comes to building a successful business online.

In the online marketing space, your email list is the only thing you own. Compared to social media which is essentially rented space that you have no control over. If your Facebook page gets taken down tomorrow you would have no way to get in touch with all those followers you worked so hard to attract. Build an email list and you can still communicate with them.

How Do I Grow My Email List?

Growing your email list may sound overwhelming but it really isn’t that difficult.

Just remember these 3 words –  Attract – Collect – Share

The first step is to attract your ideal clients. You do this by offering free value. This can be in the form of a pdf checklist or workbook, a webinar, or even a video series delivered via email. What you offer will depend on your audience so some testing might be necessary. 

Once you figure out what free resource to offer, you need to get it in front of the right people and this is where Facebook ads come in.

How do I use FB Ads to Grow My List?


Decide on a timeline and a budget. We recommend an ongoing ad campaign. You don’t have to spend a lot of money, you can set your daily ad spend for as low as $2/day,

If have a special promotion coming up or if you’re launching a new product or course, you’ll want to increase your budget to grow your list in a shorter amount of time. Then you can spend the rest of the time nurturing your list before it’s time to start promoting your new offer.

Check Analytics. You want to make sure everything is optimized and running smoothly. By checking on a regular basis, you’re able to make tweaks as necessary to be sure you’re getting the most out of your budget. 

If you’re running a low-budget ongoing campaign then checking once per week works well. If you have a higher budget then you should check more often.

Once you attract the right people and start to collect their email addresses and any other information you’re interested in, the next step is to share valuable content.

For example, we have a weekly email newsletter where we share the latest blog posts, updates, and helpful resources that we’ve discovered and know our readers will love.

On the Table

Using Facebook ads is an effective and cost-efficient way to grow your email list. 

Tell us, have you started your email list yet? Do you plan to use Facebook ads as part of your strategy?

Hear what Rianna has to say about this very topic on the Pancake DigiBytes Podcast.

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