How to Increase Engagement in Your Facebook Group

How to Increase Engagement in Your Facebook Group

By Latisha S. |

Facebook groups are an amazing tool and resource for business owners, but creating an engaged group can sometimes seem like a daunting task. So how do you increase engagement in your Facebook group?


Consistency is one of the biggest factors in getting your Facebook group’s engagement up.

However, when you are first starting your group or if your group has hit a lag in engagement, it can be difficult to keep the consistency up.

You may wonder why you even bother posting every day if no one is engaging with the post. Right?

But don’t give up!

Keep posting and your engagement will eventually start picking up.

Share Relevant Content

Of course, being consistent in posting won’t matter much if the content that you share isn’t relevant to your audience.

If you search Pinterest you will find lists and lists of “engaging” content for Facebook groups. You know the ones that I’m talking about. Something like, “What city is on your bucket list?” or “Share with us your first celebrity crush using a GIF.”

Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using some of these engagement posts. However, the problem that typically happens is that group owners take those lists and create only engagement posts every day, over and over.

This will eventually bore your audience. They don’t come to your Facebook group to be entertained. They come to be inspired, motivated, and educated.

Be sure that you are sharing educational and relevant content, with a dash of engagement posts. J

Go Live

Doing live videos in your group will usually increase engagement.

Go live to do a tutorial, Q&A, or short how-to.

You can also promote your live group training on your Facebook or Instagram pages and pull people into your group that way.

Host a Challenge

A great way to increase not just engagement, but also your group members is to host a free challenge within your group!

The best challenges are usually 3-5 days of LIVE trainings within your Facebook group. Most people typically have a workbook to go along with the challenge and it’s a good idea to post a daily homework thread for accountability (and to increase the engagement).

Utilize Guest Experts

Because it can be challenging to stay consistent in your Facebook group, another great way to provide your audience with quality content (without burning out yourself!) is to have guest experts come in and do short trainings.

You’ll be surprised at the people who will come into your group, a lot of the times for FREE, and teach on their area of expertise.

You can offer them a small payment and/or let them do a soft pitch for their coaching, courses, Facebook group, etc.

Plan Ahead

Regardless of what you do to keep your engagement up and stay consistent, you need to plan ahead!

You can use free tools such as Google Sheets and/or Trello to set up a content calendar for post ideas. And don’t forget to schedule your posts ahead of time so that you don’t miss a day!

On the Table…

Remember, a higher engagement rate in your Facebook group will signal to Facebook’s algorithm that your group is “boomin’” and they will start sharing it more! But keeping engagement up in your Facebook group doesn’t have to be stressful or suck all of your time away. It just takes some consistency and organization to plan out your Facebook group’s content and increase your engagement!


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To learn more about whether you need a Facebook group for your business, check out our post on 5 Reasons Why Your Creative Business Needs a Facebook Group.

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