Happy New Year!
by Rianna Neal | Rianna@PancakeDigitalSolutions.com
The Eve has passed and it’s a Happy New Year! Celebrations are occurring, goals are being set, joy is in the air- 2018 is here. Are you ready? We sure are! This is an extremely exciting time for businesses. Hopefully, you planned for Q1 last year, and are ready to hit the ground running.
Why we Love a New Year
The beginning of a new year is an exciting time! Every day is an opportunity to improve for tomorrow, a new year amplifies this. While many people dread Mondays, the first day of the week has always been one of my favorites. The first day of a new month is also exciting, as is the first day of a new year. These times feel so special because it is almost like starting a new, refreshed, reenergized, refocused. I love what I do which makes these times the best, it keeps things going.
Ways to Celebrate, Professionally
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Sure you have heard that one before, and it feels really true at the beginning of a new year.Whatever happened in your business, 2017 is over. You celebrated the successes and can take the learning experiences to improve 2018. The quotes are everyone, you have not failed, you have simply found a way that didn’t work. Celebrate this, embrace the journey. Building a small business is a lot like about the process. While you are working towards a big overall goal, celebrate all the steps along the way.
What is The Significance of a Year?
365 days, or, 366 days. This is what comprises a year. Often times we feel there are not enough hours in a day to work on what is needed. But, there are enough days in a year. One day might feel too small. But…what can be done with 365 days, a dash of focus, a helping of energy, and a vision, blended together and baked with a New Year? Do you remember where you were at this time last year? Where do you want to be at this time next year?
We categorize everything by time, especially years. Yeah- that car is a ’66, I graduated in ’09.. well back in 2010… etc. What significance will 2018 hold for you?
Wishing you a Happy New Year 2018!
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