Facebook Ad Learning Phase

Facebook Ad Learning Phase

Facebook Ad Learning Phase

by Rianna Neal | Rianna@PancakeDigitalSolutions.com

If you have run ads on Facebook before, you may have seen something called the Learning Phase. Here is a little breakdown of what it is along with some good tips for better advertising.

What It Is

For any new ad that is placed, Facebook goes through what they call a learning phase for the first 72 hours of the ad running. To be more specific, this is for new ad sets when a new order is placed. During this learning phase, the Facebook advertising system is optimizing your selected audience. More specifically, optimizing which keywords you are bidding on are getting the most responses from your ad set.

What It Means For You

The Facebook ad Learning Phase is all about optimizing your audience, this is a good thing. This time frame is important to keep in mind when you are building your ad. All new ads need at least 4 days to get started with optimization. Any changes or updates will need more time as well. Keep this in mind with your schedule. Also, Audiences. Saved audience that have already been used from your account will be different- but could get stale.

The “72 Hour Rule”

It is hard, but the 72-hour rule, best practices, is to not touch that ad in the first 72 hours. I know this is hard. I know! But unless the ad is totally bombing and spending money in bad ways, leave it be. Let Facebook do its thing. After this time is when you should start making adjustments based on results you are seeing and the data. However, keep in mind revisions can take up to 24 hours to reoptimize and go into effect. Adjustments are important, just be very intentional with them.

On The Table…

Facebook may not be a perfect platform but they have hundreds of smart people working every day in the system who have optimized this process. They know what they are doing.

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