Does My Business Need a Website?

Does My Business Need a Website

by Rianna Neal |

This is a question many business owners have asked at one time or another. Indeed, it is one we hear quite frequently. “Does my business need a website” especially in this age or social media?

The Short Answer

Yes, your business most likely needs a website. If you have a more simple business model, you can get away with just a Facebook page or Instagram account, however, eventually, you will probably need a website. Think of this as your virtual storefront. Social media can do a lot, but there are limitations. As always- the true answer is “it depends” every business has different needs.

The Long Answer

The long answer is more of a drawn-out “it depends.” Each year, many social media sights make improvements and add capabilities. From advertising to shop listing, purchases and customers reviews, for example, an entire business could be run solely on Facebook.

When considering all these factors, the most important pieces to determine is where your customer will be and what you are most likely to use. If your customer isn’t on Facebook, or you dislike using Facebook, having your entire business on Facebook is not the best idea. It sounds like common sense, but it is easy to get caught up in the “I should have an Instagram or Pinterest or XYZ” because it has been advertised as the new hip things, yet this is not where your customer is.

So.. Does my Business Need a Website?

At some point, probably yes. Especially if you are reaching customers online. You may be able to get away without for a while, but as you grow the benefits will outway the cost or expense.

On the Table…

As social media evolves, many people are wondering if they even need a website. It depends, but likely yes. However, this will be different depending on what you need it for. Is it a virtual office space? An online shopping experience? Where is your audience and what are they used to? Start there, then make the decision that is best for your audience.