Before You Post on Social Media Ask Yourself These 3 Questions

Before You Post on Social Media Ask Yourself These 3 Questions

By Latisha S. |

There is no doubt that social media is a powerful marketing tool for businesses. However, we need to be strategic when posting. Before you post on social media ask yourself these 3 questions…

Is it relevant to your audience?

The first question that you need to ask yourself before you create a post is, “Is this relevant to my audience?”

For example, if your audience is made up of moms, then you wouldn’t want to make a post that focuses on women without children. Right?

Make sure that your posts are speaking to who your audience is, who they want to be, and how you can take them there.

What is the call-to-action that you want your audience to take?

Another question that you want to ask yourself is, “What call-to-action do I want my audience to take when they see this post?”

Every post needs a call-to-action. This is something that tells your audience exactly what they should do once they have read your post (or watched your video).

Call-to-actions can be:

  • Leaving a comment
  • Asking a specific question. For example, if you are writing a post about your favorite motivational quotes, your call to action could be, “What’s your favorite motivational quote?”
  • Asking them to book a call with you
  • Asking them to download something FREE that you’re offering

These are just a few examples of the call-to-actions that you can use in your posts. But these are extremely important not only for engagement, but also so you can get to know your audience better!

Is this the correct format for the platform I’m using?

Lastly, you want to ask yourself if what you are posting is formatted in the appropriate format for the platform where you will be posting it.

For example, hashtags are utilized differently on Instagram and Pinterest. A video on YouTube is going to be formatted differently than a video post on Instagram. A pin on Pinterest is going to look completely different than a post on Facebook.

On the Table…

We know that our businesses need to be on social media, talking and engaging with our audience, but we also know that we need to plan out and be strategic with our content. Starting your content creation process by asking these three questions will help assure that your posts are valuable and relevant for your audience.

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For more information about how to create social media posts, click here.