5 Tips for How to Stay Motived

How to Stay Motivated

by Rianna Hill | Rianna@PancakeDigitalSolutions.com

No matter how much we love what we do, sometimes it can be difficult to stay motivated. This is particularly true in times of transitions in our lives when things can get crazy. Here are 5 tips for How to Stay Motivated I use that have helped through many of life’s crazy times.

Tip 1: Daily Planners & Journaling

This tip for how to stay motivated is the most basic way to have a routine when your life is anything but. In the last 4 years, I have lived in 5 different states and am in the process of moving to a 6th. In this time I worked various jobs, have been taking classes, planned a wedding, got married, and various other life tasks. Just about every morning and every night, no matter what, I journal. This has taken the form of free writing, or most successfully, one of the many great planners that are out there.

Taking a moment to your self every morning and every evening to plan your day then reflect on it is key to staying motivated.

Tip 2: Motivational Videos

In this world of the internet and videos, you can simply type in How to Stay Motivated in the search bar and find a myriad of resources. My personal favorite is finding motivational speech playlists on YouTube. You know those ones that give you the chills and someone is yelling about greatness and by the end you are ready to run 100 miles uphill. Yup, it works!

Tip 3: 15 Minute Sprints

This motivational tip is a new one to me as well but has proven to be extremely effective. In the mornings with my journaling, I identify the top tasks I need to do for the day. But- it can be really hard to stay focused on these, no matter how much I love my work, when there is house paperwork to do, apartments to search through, or wedding dress designs to Google, to name a few.

The key here is to have a timer you can set to 15-minute increments. You can motivate yourself to do just about anything for 15 minutes, yeah? Set the timer then work on that key task for 15 minutes, then you can spend some time distracted with other projects for a while, then come back to the 15 minutes of work. This may sound strange, but when you have 20 things going on at once, this is extremally effective to stay motivated and successful at each one.

Tip 4: Go for a Walk

Yes, as simple as going for a walk. Where ever you are, you can go for a walk, even if it is around Target to enjoy some AC on a hot day. This is one of the best ways I have found for how to stay motivated in all the places I have lived or jobs I have worked. Taking a walk helps you take a break, change the environment you are in, stimulate your brain with new sights and smells, and clear frustrations.

Give it a try! Leave behind your distractions, set your intention to use the walk to get motivated, and go!

Tip 5: Reading

This final tip I use to stay motivated may or may not be true for everyone. Every year, I challenge myself to read a book a week. Last year I averaged about 2 a week, and am a little better than that so far this year. When I stick to it, I notice a huge difference in my motivation. Books are a great way to help you learn from other’s experiences in a way that can be as powerful as experiencing something yourself, without having to actually go through it. Whether it is fiction, nonfiction, or my two personal favorites, business books and historical fiction, reading is such a good thing to do.

Pro tip: Audiobooks while commuting or cooking can help with this goal!

On the Table…

No matter how much we love our lives and our work, there are days when it is difficult to keep motivated. When life gets crazy or tasks are less than something we love to do, this is even truer. Yet this is when it is even more important to stay motivated.

Hopefully at least one of these tips on how to stay motivated will help you!

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