What’s in an Engagement

what's in an engagement

What’s in an Engagement

by Rianna Neal | Rianna@PancakeDigitalSolutions.com

People on social media are always talking about getting more engagement. Businesses want more engagement and discuss growth or decline in engagement. There are strategies how to get more, and how much they have had. But what’s in an engagement?

Social Media Engagements

Take a gander on what you think this means. Engagement on social media is exactly what it sounds like… it is when people are on social media engaging in the content. This engaging activity is recorded through various types of responses and numerically shows as data, there are the engagement metrics. There are various ways in which a person can engage on social media. With Facebook, you quickly think of a “like” which is an engagement. But what’s in an engagement beyond this?

Shares, Comments, and Reactions

There are three main types of engagement; shares, comments, and reactions. A share is when someone shares a post to their profile, page, or a group. This shared post can also get more engagement that helps the original post get further reach. A Comment is when someone makes a comment on the post. A reaction is when someone clicks like, love, haha, wow, sad, or angry on the post. Clicks on the image or link and video views are sometimes considered engagement as well.

On the table

At this point, you should now have a fairly good understanding of what an engagement is. It is important to know that some numbers that people tend to be attracted to and interested in are not always the important ones. 10,000 likes are great, but a dozen comments and shares can do a lot more for your business. Not all engagements are the same!

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