Twitter Lists

Twitter Lists

by Rianna |

For those who have used Twitter before, you have probably seen “lists” at the top of your profile right under the cover photo. If you have not, go ahead and take a look now! For those of you who are on the fence about Twitter, here is a video with more information about social media for Business. Twitter lists are a great tool for business on Twitter.

What are Twitter Lists

The Twitter Help page on lists states that “A List is a curated group of Twitter accounts.” This is a simple yet straight to the point explanation of what a list is. You can both create lists or join others. These lists can be looked at as groups on Twitter that are often organized by a topic or theme.

Why & How

As a business, lists can help you reach your audience in a variety of ways. First of all, search for lists that center around something your target audience is interested in. Find some of your ideal clients or current clients on Twitter and see what lists they are a part of. This could be a great place to find clients.

Secondly, a list could help your audience find you. A company that sells website development, for example, could be on a list for website development. A person looking for a new website may search this list.

Additionally, lists can help your audience in a few ways. You can make a list of current clients to help them network, or a list of companies you collaborate with and recommend for other services. If you have a product at several locations, creating a list of the locations that have Twitter accounts will also help your clients find your product.

Here are some further ideas for Twitter lists.

  • Recommended products
  • Collaborative partners
  • Sponsors
  • Companies who create products that are in your products
  • Locations of your companies or products
  • Favorite tools to use

For personal use, Twitter lists can benefit you in multiple ways. Personally, my favorite use of lists is to create groups around various topics I am interested in. There is a list of friends to just see what my friends are tweeting, a list of my favorite brands, and a list of inspirational feeds for those days when I need a little extra ump. @Rianna330

Here is a video for how to set up and use Twitter lists.

On The Table…

Twitter lists are a great feature to help you organize and use Twitter. There are many benefits of these lists for both business and personal use. The most important thing to remember is where your audience is, and what they need.

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For more information about social media for business, and deciding which accounts are right for your business, check out the Pancake Makers Club!