The 3 Best Tools For Entrepreneurs

The 3 Best Tools for Entrepreneurs

By Latisha S. |

If you are a new entrepreneur having the best tools and resources to help you start and run your business successfully will not only save you time, but also lots of frustration. Although there are many great tools out on the market, these are the 3 best FREE tools that you will find to help you build your business.


If you haven’t heard of Canva yet, prepare to fall in love! This easy-to-use graphic design tool is one of the best that you will find.

There is a free and paid version. The free version will typically suffice until you have the income to purchase the paid version.

Canva offers simple graphic design tools, free templates, images, fonts, and graphic elements allowing you to create eye-catching, branded images for your website and social media accounts. It also lets you upload your own images to use in your graphic creations.

The graphics you find on our blog, Pinterest account, and social media platforms are usually created using Canva.

Facebook Creator Studio

Another great and free tool is Facebook’s new Creator Studio. Creator Studio allows you to schedule posts for your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Creator Studio also allows you to view analytics of your posts and see previous posts that have already been scheduled. It’s still in the early stages, so keep watching it for more updates (hopefully being able to schedule to Instagram stories!)


If there is one thing that an entrepreneur needs to be is organized! That is where Trello comes in.

Trello is a free (they do have a paid option) organizational tool that helps you create task lists, assign tasks, set up goals, and more!

It is great tool for a team to use to stay on task. There is also an app available so that you can have this tool always at your fingertips.

On the Table…

With so many resources available on the internet, it can be hard to know which tools to use. We hope this short list of the 3 best tools will help you get started on your entrepreneurial journey.

If you would like more resources, tips & marketing ideas then you can join our free Facebook group Marketing 4 Makers.