Perfecting Target Audience Facebook Advertising

Perfecting Target Audience Facebook Advertising

Perfecting the Target Audience with Facebook Advertising

by Rianna M. Hill |

One of the most difficult yet most rewarding parts of Facebook advertising is the target audience. Perfecting the target audience with Facebook advertising it is one of the best perks of Facebook ads. It is a process, but with the data, you can make informed decisions about your target audience that includes perfecting the audience for your other marketing efforts.

The Target Audience

Your target audience is the ideal group of people you have identified for your product or service. These are the folks who have a need your product or service meets, or a problem you can solve. The more your business grows, the more your audience can become. The more you know your target audience the better you can tailor your products and services to fit their needs as well as improve your sales efforts.

This is where the data with Facebook ads come in…

On Facebook Ads

The ability to target specific audiences with Facebook advertising and digital media is unlike any other type of marketing. Even if you have no idea who your audience might be, you can use Facebook ads to test it out.

For example, if you are in ads manager, you can use the “breakdown” tab to see the ages, genders, locations, and many other data points of your most responsive audiences. This is one of the key features to improving your advertising. If you see, for example, that the best click-through rates are coming from Men 45-65, this is a good opportunity to create an ad set targeting just that age group and gender.

Another good place to check is where they are located. If you have an online business, you can target people all around the world, and may be unsure where your product will do the best. By looking at location, you can see where many of your conversions are coming from by country, state, or even town. Sometimes zip codes are available as well. From here, you can make adjustments to locations with your best-performing audiences.

Narrowing Further

In the actual building of the audiences in Facebook Ads Sets, there is the option to Narrow the audience further as well as to exclude people. For Narrowing the audience further, this is a great option to create a more specific audience. For example, people who drink coffee and also are interested in home improvement stores. You can use this several different times, which is a great way to get specific when starting with a broad audience. 

For the excluding people, if you are looking for coffee drinkers interested in home improvement stores because you have a DIY project kit, you may want to exclude contractors or   who will not need your solutions.

On The Table…

The data available online can guide you in Perfecting the Target Audience with Facebook Advertising. This works both for your online efforts, and from your learnings, you can do better with all of your targeting. Use the tools available to analyze the data, and use the data to improve your ads. 

Are you looking for more guidance with your Facebook Advertising and Social Media for Business efforts? See what problems we solve here.