Getting Started

by Rianna Neal

This is our Hello World post, my first blog getting started as the official business owner of Pancake Digital Solutions. While this website is being built, an important element of any website is to blog, particularly when just starting out.

Getting started building this business has been a wonderful transition from agency life+freelancing on the side to developing a business with a method and a mission that was created from my passion. Don’t get me wrong, I am still freelancing and still consulting for agencies, but there is something completely different to starting your own business from the beginnings.

I am mixing the batter for my business, and I am getting started with making my pancakes! There are lots of steps that I am learning along the way, but that is how a business should be, how people should be, always learning.

A large part of Pancake Digital Solutions will be to train people, to empower them to be able to manage social media for their businesses. Social media, like most of the internet, is always changing and developing. There will always be more to learn and keep up to date on. Our goal is to keep up to date and pass the learning on to you.

Social media is something everyone can use for their business. It is simple to get started with, and worth it to keep up with. So, here’s to new business, to getting started with our business to start growing yours! We look forward to all that is to come.