Clicks Vs Link Clicks

Clicks Vs Link Clicks

Clicks Vs Link Clicks

by Rianna Neal |

This post today about Link Clicks will be short and sweet, but it is an important one of many. In Facebook advertising and any digital marketing, understanding what they metrics actually mean is key in differentiating between a good online following and a successful and profitable online business.


The clicks metrics on Facebook are all clicks on that post or ad. This could be a click on the link or a click through to your website, but it also includes clicking to see the image larget, click to comment, or an accidental tap while scrolling.

Link Clicks

Links click are a much more intentional click. This metric measures when someone clicks the actual link to go to the website you are promoting in the ad. Each link click means a time someone was taken from Facebook to the other website.

On the table…

Link clicks are included in clicks, but the metrics of clicks is all clicks, regardless of intent. Understanding the difference between this two is important for optimizing and reporting the ad.

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